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Joy Of Erotic Massage
M.A. Louise-Andreww Saulnier
Discover the exciting techniques of erotic massage… Arouse your senses for heightened sensual pleasure!

Get ready to participate in a feast of the richest sense - touch! Erotic massage can be a beautiful expression of tenderness between two loving partners… arousing the senses, stimulating a desire for intimacy, relaxing inhibitions, intensifying your sense of touch… and staying connected with your lover's body, needs and desires. With just the right touch, erotic massage can be even more pleasurable and satisfying than other forms of sexual activity.

The Joy Of Erotic Massage features loving couples explicitly demonstrating not just basic techniques, but advanced methods of massage that are relaxing, arousing and explosively satisfying! You'll learn how to build climatic excitementby sensually stimulating your partner's most sensitive and intimate body parts. You'll see instruction from head to toe and learn every sexual technique as you watch. Most of all we hope to put a more gratifying sexual relationship within your reach.

Erotic massage is the gift of loving touch. It's the gift you'll find as equally exciting to give as to receive. Watch this video together with someone you love and celebrate a whole new world of sexual excitement!
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The Jacket
Adrien Brody Daniel Craig
Jack Starks (Adrien Brody), a former American soldier, who served for his country during the Persian Gulf War, is heading home to Vermont. Due to having been shot in the head, he occasionally suffers from amnesia, but other than that he seems to be just fine. Things are going good until one snowy day, when Jack is hitch-hiking to town. The driver he flagged down is a criminal on the run from the police. When a cop pulls them over, the stranger murders the cop and flees the scene. Jack is now left behind and because of his memory problems does not remember a single thing. He is being accused of murdering the cop and put away into a mental institution, where he is treated by Dr. Becker (Kris Kristofferson).
Tommi Eronen Markku Peltola
Thousands of years ago in ancient China, a love struck sword hero fights against his destiny. He wants...
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Jake Gyllenhaal Scott MacDonald
This movie is about a male who left home in order to fight for his country. He struggles with trust issues with his girlfriend and has to balance his social life at home, with the physical war as well as dealing with deaths. This movie is a little graphic at times, and deals with masturbation alot. The war might be the main motive of the movie, but it is the soldiers reaction to the war which is significant.
John Holmes And The Wonderland Murders: The E! True Hollywood Story
Val Kilmer Kate Bosworth
In the police investigation of a brutal crime scene, one man was at the center of it all: legendary porn star John Holmes.
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Ellen Page Michael Cera
The story of “Juno” is familiar: a teenage girl has sex one time and becomes pregnant. But Juno (Ellen Page) is not your average high schooler. Taking matters into her own hands, she explores her various options before telling her parents (J.K. Simmons and Allison Janney) of her condition. Juno then proceeds, with her parents’ and friends’ help, to manage her life. Her stepmother deals with the ultrasound technician. Her father takes her to meet the prospective adoptive parents. Of course, things don’t always go as planned but throughout the nine months gestation of her child, Juno confronts life on her own, unique terms.
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